Security Guard Supervisor Jobs in Canada(06 Position)

We are excited to announce that has posted six new vacancies for Security Guard Supervisor jobs in Canada. This job opportunity was originally advertised by Canada in JobBank Canada . The vacancies are specifically for Security Guard Supervisors in Canada, and the deadline to apply for these positions is 31 July,2023. If you have an interest in these six new vacancies for Security Guard Supervisor jobs in Canada, please contact us using the provided information below. We will provide you with further details about the job and guide you through the application process.

Job Description:

PositionSecurity Guard Supervisor
Salary18$ per/hour
Experience1-2 Years
EducationSecondary (high) school graduation certificate

As a Security Guard Supervisor, your primary responsibility will be to oversee the security team and ensure the smooth operation of all security-related activities within the company. This includes managing schedules, providing training to new hires, and conducting regular performance evaluations. In addition, you will be responsible for budget management, ensuring that all security expenses are within the allocated budget. Collaboration with other departments to ensure compliance with safety protocols and the development of emergency response plans will also be part of your role.

To excel in this position, strong leadership skills are crucial, along with effective communication abilities to engage both employees and management. Previous experience in law enforcement or the military can be advantageous.

Job Requirements:

Before applying for the Security Guard Supervisor jobs in Canada, please review the following requirements:

Education: Secondary (high) school graduation certificate
Experience: 1 year to less than 2 years
Application Deadline:  31 July,2023

How to Apply:

If you are interested in the six new vacancies for Security Guard Supervisor jobs in Canada, please contact us using the provided information below. We will respond to your inquiry promptly and provide you with more details about the application process and the job itself.